Learning Project proposal submission

I am proposing to use SAFMEDs cards to learn sign language. I will begin by learning the alphabet by using pictures of hand gestures on one side of the card and the corresponding letter on the other. I will go through the cards six times a day – thrice for looking at the hand gesture and saying the letter, and the thrice going through them looking at the letter and forming the appropriate shape with my hands. Each individual run through will be timed and last for 1 minute. Once I have sufficiently learned the alphabet, as I believe this should not take much time, I will then progress to learning commonly used phrases or words, but this progression point will have to be decided on using the data from the SCC. When the progression does occur a new Standard Celeration Chart will be used to chart the progress. I guess that my initial AIM would be to be able to go through 26 cards in 1 minute and my overarching AIM is to be fluent in sign language for most of the common everyday phrases (phrases like Hello, how are you?; My name is Emily etc. – things you learn when you begin to learn a foreign language).

I am not really sure what else to write about – any suggestions would be really helpful! Thank you! 🙂